OST files are often thought of as an Offline copy of your Exchange mailbox. They allow you to continue working even when not connected to the internet and sync all the changes that you make in Outlook with Exchange once the connectivity to Exchange is restored. However like any other database the Exchange OST file can also get corrupted and put all the data stored inside it in jeopardy.

Some of the reasons for OST corruption include:
Corruption in file system
Sudden termination of main Outlook process resulting in its closure of Outlook
Synchronisation issues
Malicious software infection
Here are some of the common OST file errors:
Error code 0x8004103b
Internal error of OST file (error code=0000000E)
OST Internal (error code=00000003)
Error 8004011D-526-80040115-0
The best way to deal with all such OST issues is to use EdbMails OST to PST Converter that can help recover all information from even the most heavily corrupted OST files with ease. There is even a Free demo version of the OST to PST tool that allows to export upto 30 items from each mailbox/folder to PST file. The OST Recovery tool from EdbMails maintains the the folder structure intact and also does not make any alterations to the data in the original OST file.