But, I would argue, these don't fully encompass the hysteria mens hats types which Sylvère participates in. In his own letters to Dick he wonders what they're doing and about his role in it, trying to fit the phenomenon into a recognizable situation "a ménage à trois " and he himself into the stereotype of "the willing husband," though none of it is right.
Even if they portray it, the subtle but substantial differences in Sylvère's character (Griffin Dunne) make me think that the hysteria will have a different tone. In "I Love Dick," Chris (Kathryn Hahn) and Sylvère's dry spell is far more highlighted, and a source of passive aggression mens hats baseball between the two a dynamic not particularly significant to the book. Sylvère demands that Chris read him the story she wrote about Dick after they have dinner with him.
Dick in the pilot, too, differs from his mens hats summer text-based counterpart. He's much more prominent in the show, and I suspect will continue to be. For one thing, he is played by Kevin Bacon, a perfect choice for the portrayal of the inaccessible cowboy. We also have scenes of him alone, signaling that he'll perhaps be a character in his own right, and not one seen solely through Chris's lens.
In the book, on the other hand, Chris's idea that Dick mens hats trucker has proposed some sort of game between them seems very much in her mind, an extension of her increasing infatuation, though Dick himself remains oblivious and uninvolved, no longer physically present at this stage. For Dick in the show it seems the game may very well be something real between him and Chris, something which doesn't involve Sylvère.
She wins us over, and we feel that we'll trail in her messy path wherever she goes, however extreme and uncomfortable the emotional destination turns out to be.Near the end of the episode, Chris and Sylvère's neighbor Devon decides to write a play about the pair after observing them, describing the idea to friends as centering on "a couple mens hats for summer from New York.
In her afterword, Joan Hawkins writes that the novel "establishes a fictional territory where adolescent obsession and middle-aged perversity overlap and intersect& " We see that as Chris goes on alone to write to Dick for many, many months. And maybe that's the point: this particular kind of intimacy, this intense creation and cocooning that Chris and Sylvère engage in together is not sustainable. It's rare, and should it happen at all it is fleeting. Maybe that's why I haven't experienced it in my life again since I
was fifteen. Maybe I'm lucky to have experienced it at all.